TrialLine Chosen for ABA Techshow Start-Up Alley Pitch Competition

Each year, the American Bar Association hosts an annual TechShow that draws legal tech companies, attorneys, and other legal professionals from around the country to meet, network and learn about some of the newest developments and tools in the legal tech industry. 

The ABA TechShow is held in Chicago each spring, and for the third year in a row it will host a pitch competition featuring 15 promising legal tech startups, organized by lawyer and legal tech expert, Robert Ambrogi. Numerous submissions for possible contenders were made to Ambrogi’s Law Sites Blog this past October. From all the entries received, a panel of judges whittled down the submissions to their favorite 25. Then the 15 entries from that group that garnered the most votes, were chosen to be a part of the American Bar Association’s Annual TechShow Start-Up Alley, and the pitch competition. Continue reading “TrialLine Chosen for ABA Techshow Start-Up Alley Pitch Competition”

Creating the Best Case Timeline for Your Trial

business man behind a pile of paperwork holding help sign | Timeline Software for Law FirmsTrial is coming up.   Your case file contains hundreds of pages of documents and thousands of facts. It’s an overwhelming amount of information to organize and present. TrialLine, the superior timeline software for law firms, is the perfect vehicle to organize this information. But, where do you start? At TrialLine, we understand that your case timeline doesn’t start with an eye-catching design, it starts with the facts. Continue reading “Creating the Best Case Timeline for Your Trial”

How Legal Timeline Tools Help Your Case

You may have heard of legal timeline software before, but aren’t certain whether it is the right kind of tool for you and your law firm. Attorneys quite often create legal chronologies of events based on facts or documents. These legal timelines are then typically used in opening statements, settlement conferences, or simply as a method of analyzing the case. Trial teams will often use one of the many legal timeline tools available on the market to create these chronologies, not realizing that many of these programs often have surprisingly few features, and almost no options for customization. This can lead to boring, difficult to understand timelines that are ineffective at capturing attention, much less at communicating important facts and details. Continue reading “How Legal Timeline Tools Help Your Case”

Legal Timelines for Your Court Case

TrialLine – A Powerful Courtroom Timeline Tool

One of the most effective ways to present evidence in court is to use a legal timeline. Unfortunately, while a timeline can certainly help a jury or judge understand your case more clearly, not every courtroom timeline tool is created equal. Many trial timeline templates lack the basic visual effects and techniques needed to efficiently organize your case for court. Continue reading “Legal Timelines for Your Court Case”

Intuitive Trial Timeline Software from TrialLine

Connect the Facts with TrialLine

If you are like most attorneys, then you eat, breathe and sleep facts. In fact, many non-attorneys are surprised by the level of thoroughness displayed by lawyers when they investigate a case. Facts are the backbone of any litigated case, and witnesses may have a plethora of facts which you must keep organized, and use wisely to try and ensure a positive outcome for the case. Aside from facts derived from witnesses, you probably also have subpoenas, written discovery requests, various types of documents, specialized investigative tools and online research to make sense of. Connect it all with the trial timeline software made specifically for attorneys by TrialLine. Continue reading “Intuitive Trial Timeline Software from TrialLine”