Exporting Your TrialLine For Printing

It is possible to export your TrialLine as either and Excel sheet or a Word Document. Both types of exports will contain the following event information:

  • Event dates
  • Event titles
  • Event categories
  • Provider details for each event
  • Event descriptions
  • Bates page numbers for each event
  • Exhibit numbers for each event
  • Event notes
  • Event comments
  • Names of files attached to each event

To export your TrialLine first go into the ‘Relative View’ for the TrialLine you want to export, then click ‘Export’ on the right side bar menu. Then just choose which file type you’d like to export your TrialLine as: Word (DOCX) or Excel (XLSX):

 A window will open that allows you to choose which data you want to export. Simply check the boxes for the appropriate columns, and click ‘Ok’ to save the file to your computer:
The information for the events on your TrialLine will now be visible as an Excel XLSX file:
or a Word DOCX file:
For more information, please watch this video:

Need More Help? Contact Us Today

At TrialLine, we’re serious about making sure you have the tools and information you need to make the most of our attorney timeline software. If you ever have any questions or issues, please contact us using the technical support form in your dashboard, and we will answer your questions and resolve your issues as quickly as possible.

“From what I’ve experienced so far, the TrialLine company as a whole has a lot of integrity and vision.” – TrialLine User Lindsay P.

New TrialLine Updates for August 2019

If it’s been a while since you logged into TrialLine, you may have missed these new features:

EVENT STACKING: We have redone the Relative View event grid so that there is as little overlap between events as possible. You can also resize your browser window for even more flexibility and spacing:

Continue reading “New TrialLine Updates for August 2019”

How to Connect TrialLine to Clio and Import Your Clio Matters

Hey TrialLine users, we’ve got great news! If you use Clio legal practice management software, now you can export your Clio matters into TrialLine with the push of a button! It really is that easy. See your Clio Matters in event-by-event detail, right in TrialLine legal timeline software. Continue reading “How to Connect TrialLine to Clio and Import Your Clio Matters”

TrialLine Chosen for ABA Techshow Start-Up Alley Pitch Competition

Each year, the American Bar Association hosts an annual TechShow that draws legal tech companies, attorneys, and other legal professionals from around the country to meet, network and learn about some of the newest developments and tools in the legal tech industry. 

The ABA TechShow is held in Chicago each spring, and for the third year in a row it will host a pitch competition featuring 15 promising legal tech startups, organized by lawyer and legal tech expert, Robert Ambrogi. Numerous submissions for possible contenders were made to Ambrogi’s Law Sites Blog this past October. From all the entries received, a panel of judges whittled down the submissions to their favorite 25. Then the 15 entries from that group that garnered the most votes, were chosen to be a part of the American Bar Association’s Annual TechShow Start-Up Alley, and the pitch competition. Continue reading “TrialLine Chosen for ABA Techshow Start-Up Alley Pitch Competition”

Creating the Best Case Timeline for Your Trial

business man behind a pile of paperwork holding help sign | Timeline Software for Law FirmsTrial is coming up.   Your case file contains hundreds of pages of documents and thousands of facts. It’s an overwhelming amount of information to organize and present. TrialLine, the superior timeline software for law firms, is the perfect vehicle to organize this information. But, where do you start? At TrialLine, we understand that your case timeline doesn’t start with an eye-catching design, it starts with the facts. Continue reading “Creating the Best Case Timeline for Your Trial”