How Legal Timeline Tools Help Your Case

You may have heard of legal timeline software before, but aren’t certain whether it is the right kind of tool for you and your law firm. Attorneys quite often create legal chronologies of events based on facts or documents. These legal timelines are then typically used in opening statements, settlement conferences, or simply as a method of analyzing the case. Trial teams will often use one of the many legal timeline tools available on the market to create these chronologies, not realizing that many of these programs often have surprisingly few features, and almost no options for customization. This can lead to boring, difficult to understand timelines that are ineffective at capturing attention, much less at communicating important facts and details.

The Importance of Visual Representation

Visual representation is extremely important, you already know that intuitively. And in a court case, visuals representations can often become the underlying foundation for the flow of case-related information. Because of this, it is essential that care be taken in the creation of a visual timeline. While some larger firms rely on in-house graphics departments to assist in the creation of a basic timeline graphic, others may outsource their timeline design work. As an alternative to both of those, you should consider the legal timeline software created by TrialLine. TrialLine allows litigators to keep track of all aspects of their case, linking facts and events, to discovery requests, documents, medical bills, videos, online research, subpoenas and more.

Legal Timeline Tools

Litigation Support in the Form of Legal Timeline Tools

TrialLine works as litigation support software, enabling attorneys to work more efficiently, and perform more impressively in trial. No more thumbing through bulky exhibit books looking for the right Bates number, every important piece of evidence is all contained in the same place, and in such a way that it’s importance and relevance to the overall case is made clear.

With TrialLine timeline software, you can key in dates and facts, and the timeline automatically builds. You also have the capability of importing the data directly, eliminating the need for typing altogether. And for each entry on the timeline, you can attach any and all relevant documentation, even PDFs and video files. That gives credibility to your argument because every event depicted on your timeline is tied to corroborating evidence.

As you can see, proper timeline design can be critical to the success of your case in court. With TrialLine, you can create efficient and easy to use trial timelines, and present a more persuasive and compelling argument.

Consider TrialLine by Law Father

TrialLine Logo

TrialLine is a cloud-based mediation and trial presentation timeline tool for attorneys that want to create efficient and easy to use legal chronologies for their cases. With TrialLine, you can easily organize and share your case events and related documents with staff, experts, juries, opposing counsel, and other attorneys. It’s completely web-based, and can be accessed and shared through any internet connection on any device. Sign up now to try it FREE FOR 30 DAYS!

Related Reading: Legal Timelines for Your Court Case

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