Streamlined Timeline Design for Law Firms

Law firms have never been busier. As such, they need powerful tools to help them organize their cases and present those cases in court. To help ease the time crunch — as well as to help attorneys present a more compelling case to jurors — lawyer timeline software has been developed allowing attorneys to tell their story through a logical and powerful presentation of facts. Timeline software is frequently used in both business and personal injury cases as these types of cases benefit the most from a clearly mapped chronological sequence of events. But creating an effective timeline doesn’t have to be a time consuming process. In fact, the right timeline tool can actually save you time. TrialLine makes timeline design for law firms an easy and intuitive process.

Bringing Every Aspect of the Case Together in One Easy-To-Use Timeline

TrialLine allows attorneys to easily gather the facts of a case, including important witnesses, relevant issues, and every key piece of evidence. It can be quite a battle for attorneys who have to handle multiple cases simultaneously to stay current on any single case, when their only tools are a yellow legal pad and a word-processor document.  By having a readily accessible, easy-to-use timeline, they can bring together every building block associated with the case in one intuitive interface. These building blocks can include evidence, dates, facts, actors, documents, issues and times. Each contact can be associated with the pertinent facts, and those facts can be easily organized along the timeline.

Timeline Design for Law Firms by TrialLine

Cluttered Desks and Cluttered Minds Become a Thing of the Past with Lawyer Timeline Software

Consider the fact that your attorneys are most likely already building a timeline for every case they work on, probably using hand written notes, or information entered into a Word or Excel document. However, unlike the sophisticated timelines created using the right attorney-focused timeline software, these self-created “timelines” have some distinct disadvantages, namely a lack of proper visual representation, and engaging interactivity.  Also, without a single convenient place to store all of the pertinent information related to a case, the memories of an attorney—not to mention their desk—can soon become cluttered with a mélange of scattered notes and documents.

Since few attorneys have the luxury of dealing with a single case at a time, the mind and desk must expand to juggle several cases, along with the information and facts associated with each of those cases. If you are looking for an option that will streamline the work for your attorneys, consider TrialLine, a better way for law firms to create timelines, and organize the cases.

In the end, what good are facts if you can’t prove them? TrialLine’s lawyer timeline software allows you to attach sources of evidence to each of your facts through a simple drag-and-drop method, and can truly change the way you litigate cases.

Consider TrialLine by Law Father

TrialLineTrialLine is a cloud-based mediation and trial presentation timeline tool for law firms that want to create efficient and easy to use legal chronologies for their cases. With TrialLine, you can easily organize and share your case events and related documents with staff, experts, juries, opposing counsel, and other attorneys. It is completely web-based and can be accessed and shared through any internet connection on any device. Sign up now to try it FREE FOR 30 DAYS!

Related Reading: What Trial Timelines can do for Your Legal Case