Using The Criteria Filter

TrialLine recently introduced a ‘Criteria Filter’ option that enables you to choose which events on your TrialLine display, based on a specific set of criteria. 

The ‘Criteria Filter’ works differently than the traditional filter option in TrialLine, in that it only displays events that match the specific criteria you select from the ‘Criteria Filter’ menu. Continue reading “Using The Criteria Filter”

TrialLine’s New ‘Contacts’ Feature

TrialLine recently added a new ‘Contacts’ feature that enables you to add contacts to your TrialLines, and these contacts can then be associated with specific events, facts and documents.

This allows you to create contact-specific views of your TrialLine that can be used in depositions, witness examinations or as a visual aid to help you get a better understanding of a particular person’s role in your case. Continue reading “TrialLine’s New ‘Contacts’ Feature”

Importing Case Facts Into Your TrialLine

TrialLine makes it possible to populate the events on your timeline by importing event information from an XLSX spreadsheet. This is a fast and easy way to add events to your TrialLine, all at one time. Here’s how you do it. Continue reading “Importing Case Facts Into Your TrialLine”